
Instruments details

LC-HRMS (Q Exactive, Hybrid Quadrupole Orbitrap MS)

Mass Spectrometry Facility

  • 2759
  • Installed on 2012

Scientist Incharge


Id Title External Charges Sample Processing Charges Miscellaneous Charges
7 LC-HRMS analysis of a single molecule with accurate mass: either +ve or -ve mode (Orbitrap MS) 2500 3000 0
8 LC-HRMS analysis of a single molecule with accurate mass: either +ve or -ve mode (Orbitrap MS) 5000 3000 0
21 LC-HRMS, fragmentation analysis of a single molecule (Orbitrap MS) 2500 0
23 LC-HRMS, fragmentation analysis of a single molecule (Orbitrap MS) 5000 0
24 LC-HRMS, mixture sample analysis with accurate mass: either +ve or - ve mode, <40 min acquisition (Orbitrap MS) 4000 3000 0
25 LC-HRMS, mixture sample analysis with accurate mass: either +ve or - ve mode, <40 min acquisition (Orbitrap MS) 8000 3000 0
26 LC-HRMS, fragmentation analysis of mixture sample: +ve or -ve mode (Orbitrap MS) 6000 3000 0
27 LC-HRMS, fragmentation analysis of mixture sample: +ve or -ve mode (Orbitrap MS) 12000 3000 0
28 Protein sequencing of single protein by LC-HRMS (Orbitrap MS) 5000 3000 0
29 Protein sequencing of single protein by LC-HRMS (Orbitrap MS) 10000 3000 0