
Instruments details

LC-MS/MS-TOF (Triple TOF MS, 5600 System)

Mass Spectrometry Facility

  • 2541
  • Installed on 2012


Id Title External Charges Sample Processing Charges Miscellaneous Charges
4 LC-MS/MS-TOF: Triple TOF MS(Protein sequencing of single protein) 5000 2000 0
5 LC-MS/MS-TOF: Triple TOF MS(Protein sequencing of single protein) 10000 3000 0
6 LC-MS/MS-TOF: Triple TOF MS(Complex mixture IDA/Protein identification with sample processing) 60 min run. 10000 3000 5000
9 LC-MS/MS-TOF: Triple TOF MS(PTM analysis of single protein) 20000 3000 5000
15 LC-MS/MS-TOF: Triple TOF MS(IDA and SWATH analysis for relative quantification of proteins)  in triplicates of 110 min runs 15000 3000 0
16 LC-MS/MS-TOF: Triple TOF MS(IDA and SWATH analysis for relative quantification of proteins)  in triplicates of 110 min runs 30000 3000 0
17 Targeted quantification of metabolite or peptide by MRM 15000 3000 5000
20 Targeted quantification of metabolite or peptide by MRM 30000 3000 5000